Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jimmy So Silly #1: The Unbeatable Jimmy Olsen part 1

    Jimmy Olsen was certainly no stranger to silliness.  The man had a nearly inexhaustible  run of adventures, and this post will look at merely one of them.  From 1965, published in SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN #82, comes: "The Unbeatable Jimmy Olsen!"


    One day while out, undoubtedly on the trail of a hot new story, Jimmy decides to visit his friend, Professor Potter.  Apparently the Professor's last three discoveries were "duds" (Jimmy's words, not mine!), so Jimmy is hopeful the new one is a success, lest the Prof be pulled into the undertow of forever forward Science. 

    The Professor hands Jimmy a list with three chemicals on it.  When those three chemicals are mixed with water (SCIENCE!) they produce a formula that will make the person who drank it "stronger than Superman!"  Instead of instantly mixing it up and chugging it, young Olsen heads to work, where...


    ...he immediately devises a hair-brained scheme to use the formula to wrestle Superman, so Perry can donate $100 to the Newsboy fund (whatever that is).  On his way to the arena, Jimmy stops off at a pharmacy so he can gather the necessary chemicals.  While paying the $2.98 bill, Olsen daydreams in amazement that, "for less than three bucks, I'll be stronger than Superman! Good deal!"

    Later, in the locker room, chemicals are mixed (SCIENCE!), formulas are consumed ("Um-mm! It tastes like delicious soda pop!") and Olsen stands ready to go toe to toe with the Man of Steel.  Perry checks out Jimmy with his KRYPTONITE DETECTION-COUNTER (what? I dunno, but apparently Superman gave it to him!) to make sure Jimmy hasn't lined his trunks with the green rock. 

    In the ring, before the match, Superman pulls Jimmy to the side to say, "It would be unethical for me to throw the fight, even though I could put my fist through your skull with the slightest effort, but because I like you, kid, I'll go easy on you.  Try not to permanently cripple you.  Because I totally could, you know.  I'm Superman." 
    Jimmy tells him in no uncertain terms to BRING IT, ASSFACE.

    The match begins as we draw the curtains on Part 1 of our tale.  Will Jimmy beat the pants off Superman?  Will Superman ground the young ginger into a fine paste?  Or will Lex Luthor pop out of nowhere and turn everyone into little babies? (Because....SCIENCE!)

    You'll just have to wait until next time to find out!

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