Monday, April 15, 2013

The Origin of the NEW FRANKENSTEIN part 2

The lightning originally came down here!

     Frank sits reading, enjoying his new fortune, when he sees a girl in danger outside the window.  So, of course...

Unless I have to battle fifty-one men, I should be alright!

     After saving the girl from certain doom, Frank instructs William (his newly inherited man-servant) to pack his bags.  Driving a red sports car (which he apparently learned to drive at at some point), Frank ventures back to the castle where he was born.  It is there that he makes a decision on how to use his powers...

     This leads to yet another scene of Frank taking off his mask.  I suppose it does get a little stuffy under there...

     Extraordinary strength and a super brain will come in very handy if you plan on using your powers to fight evil.  Thus, we get an obligatory training montage with some expository dialogue.  Just imagine hearing Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" playing in the background.

     Meanwhile, in a small island off the Caribbean, we meet the man who will become Frank's arch-nemesis.  The midget menace of the man called Mr. Freek!  How can a tiny man, regardless of how evil he is, hope to oppose the might of Frankenstein?
     Easy...he has a gorilla that...does everything he says!

    So, with the combatants in their corners, it seems inevitable that Frankenstein will have to battle Bruto.  What a fight that promises to be, right?  Surely a fight between a reanimated corpse with the strength of fifty men and a trained gorilla can be no less than the most awesome thing ever.  Right?

     But before that can happen, the man with a super brain decides it might be alright to walk around his mansion with that stuffy rubber mask off.  I mean, what's the worst that could happen?  Yes, you have a secret identity to protect, and your man-servant, William, knows nothing of it, but still....he's not due back for another hour, so....

     Well, even super brains can have an off day.  It could have been worse, I suppose, for it leads to Frankenstein gaining an ally in William, the man he pays to wait on him hand and foot.

     Well, dear readers, I don't think you can take much more excitement, so just relax and take a deep breath!  For next time promises a battle royale between Frank and Bruto (full disclosure: it sucks!) in the startling conclusion to the origin of the NEW FRANKENSTEIN!

     Love it ever, miss it never!

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